Plastic Free July – long-lasting, good quality WOODEN TOYS for children

These Plastic Free July posts were from a series featured on the Santosha Instagram profile and Facebook page. They are short and sharp posts intended to share how I have minimised the usage of plastic in my life.

Back in the olden days… 👵🏼 when everything was better… 😉
There were wooden toys. They were durable, good quality, and kinder to the environment. The ones in the image are my old toys 😀
Unfortunately, wooden toys are now quite expensive. But I’m all about quality over quantity and the truth is kids these days have too many toys. They are overwhelmed with choice. It robs them of creativity, promotes attention deficit as they go from one toy to another to another and it’s also actually stressful for the brain. Just like a cluttered house has been shown to cause stress in adults. Call me mean, but I haven’t bought Harvey one toy. Granted he is only 12 weeks old and his favourite toy at the moment is his hands. But I hope he’s happy playing with the pegs in the peg basket, the wooden spoon with the saucepan drawer and perhaps my old lego.
When setting up the Santosha clinic I managed to get some Melissa & Doug wooden toys that are still going strong. And also some fabric IKEA toys, which I bought because they were fruit and vegetables, Hey kids! Fruit and veg are fun! 👍🏼 But they’ve turned out great, because they’re fabric they’re quiet!

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