Plastic Free July – avoid single use BAGS for your PRODUCE

These Plastic Free July posts were from a series featured on the Santosha Instagram profile and Facebook page. They are short and sharp posts intended to share how I have minimised the usage of plastic in my life.

I know it’s a bad (judgemental) habit, but I do look in people’s shopping trolleys. Don’t worry, if I know you and I see you in the supermarket please know that I’m aware of my judgemental habit and I’m likely making a concerted effort not to look in your trolley.
Besides the soft drink, flavoured milks, sugar-laden cereals and quite frankly FAKE food that I do see in shopping trolleys, the other thing that really saddens me is when people have put each of their different fruits and vegetables into separate plastic bags. So much plastic! Please someone tell me what happens to those plastic bags when they get home? Even if the fruit and veg is stored in those bags in the fridge, what happens when you eat it? Do they go straight in the bin?
I’m pretty care-free when it comes to shopping for fruit and veg. I just chuck it in the trolley or basket, load it into my shopping bags and wash it (sometimes ) when I get home. The only time I use those plastic bags that they provide is when I am buying bean shoots to make pad thai. So I really must find an alternative.
Well actually, there are alternatives. There are many companies making reusable fruit and veg bags. Of course they are. As we are learning this month, there are reusable varieties of EVERYTHING!
Again, Biome is probably the best place to look. They stock Onya brand reusuable produce bags (Onya brand is the one I use for my shopping bags) but they also have ChicoBag, The Swag and other brands. Check them out!
Or you can be a piggy and chuck them in your basket just like I do! One awesome suggestion on the facebook page was to use mushroom bags 😮

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