World Breastfeeding Week – Establishing Your Baby’s Sleep Cycle

These World Breastfeeding posts were from a series featured on the Santosha Instagram profile and Facebook page. They are short and sharp posts intended to share little facts about breastfeeding. If you would like more information, I recommend Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding.

Breastmilk contains a chemical called tryptophan which is the precursor to melatonin, the sleepy hormone 😴 Levels of tryptophan in breastmilk follow the mother’s circadian rhythm, so feeding during the night can actually help you and your baby to get more sleep (not less!) as it helps your baby to set their sleep/wake cycles 🌙⭐️☀️Some mothers don’t realise though, that it’s actually normal for a baby to not sleep through the night, particularly in the first two months but maybe even past 12 months. They have small stomachs and particularly when going through a growth spurt, may need to feed every couple of hours 🤱🏼

📸 Image by Freepik

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