World Breastfeeding Week – WHO Recommendations

These World Breastfeeding posts were from a series featured on the Santosha Instagram profile and Facebook page. They are short and sharp posts intended to share little facts about breastfeeding. If you would like more information, I recommend Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding.

The World Health Organisation and UNICEF both recommend breastfeeding within one hour of birth to initiate good feeding. Breastmilk should also be:
→ Exclusive for the first 6 months
→ Baby’s main food source along with some solid foods such as vegetables and a bit of fruit until one year
→ Continue up to or beyond 2 years of age for extra nourishment, immunity and comfort.
In Australia 🇦🇺 by the time babies reach 5 months, there is only a 15% chance they are still breastfed. This is obviously falling very short of recommendations.
Why do you think that might be?
🧐 My answer is education and support. Women receive a lot of conflicting information, they are not properly informed of the benefits (for example: the many benefits of feeding past 12 months) and sometimes partners and family are not as supportive as they could be. It is just as important to make men aware of the benefits of breastfeeding too!🤱🏼

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