All through July I am posting ideas for reducing plastic in our lives. These are small swaps and purchases you can make that will make a big difference to the earth 🌏 and often to your hip pocket 💰 too!
#plasticfreejuly Swap Number 11 (not a perfect swap today 🙊)
❄️ \\ use CONTAINERS rather than plastic FREEZER bags //
I have a confession… We eat a lot of takeaway Indian food. When I say a lot, I mean a lot 🐷
You know those containers that take-away Indian comes in. Well, they’re made out of plastic and they’re not very good for you 👇🏼 or for the Earth
But sometimes, you just gotta do it!
So to appease my conscience, I keep them. I wash them thoroughly and pop them in the cupboard to be reused. You will find our freezer stacked with these containers holding:
🥩 Meat
🍏 Stewed fruit
🍰 Cakes (GF of course)
🥣 Soups, stews and broth
🌿 Excess veggies from the garden
And more!
I know they’re still plastic and it’s going against plastic free July. But hey, who’s perfect!? One day I will start taking my glass containers into the Indian takeaway shop.