Plastic Free July – grow your own PRODUCE

We mostly buy organic food. It’s a conscious choice because I know the dangers of the sprays that are used. One of the big arguments with organic produce, particularly when sold in the big supermarkets is the plastic wrapping that it always comes with. So here are a few suggestions to reduce plastic associated with produce:
 Grow your own veggies – that way they will still be organic if you so choose
 If you have an organic farmer’s market near you (sadly we don’t), buy from there with reusable bags
 Reuse the packaging – while you can’t reuse the “Glad-wrap” cover, I reuse the plastic that it sits on by lining my fridge drawers with it, sharing my home-grown produce with the punnets
 The reason organic food is wrapped in plastic, is to keep it from the spray-laden, toxic (some would call normal) food in the shops. Once more people realise the dangers of what we’re eating, organic will hopefully become the norm and it will be cheaper, but also be the dominant produce. Then we’ll be wrapping the toxic, spray-laden food in plastic to protect ourselves from the chemicals. One can only dream

If you’re in the Riverland check out Renmark Fruit, Veg and Produce Swap! We will be up and running again very soon If you’re not in the Riverland, there may be a similar produce swap near you.

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