My name is Catherine and I am here to show you how to help your family live healthier, happier lives through addressing all aspects of your family’s health and lifestyle. I am here to answer all your questions, clarify your confusions and hold your hand through this maze of information.
- Are you ready to take yourself and your family on a little (big) journey?
- Are you ready to change the way you view your health from every aspect?
- Are you ready to have your mind filled with juicy ideas for family life and love?
Then you have come to the right place.
My logo represents the three areas of my business
Healthy Living
A healthy lifestyle can be achieved by anyone willing to make some small changes in their life.
Optimal Living
There is increasing evidence that our diet plays a huge role in not just our physical wellbeing, but mental and emotional as well.
Sustainable Living
Choosing products that are good for our health should also take into consideration the health of the Earth.
I am here to help you not just live healthy lives, but live them to the fullest while incorporating sustainable methods to keep Mother Nature happy too! I approach health from an angle that incorporates body, mind and spirit, which is further broken down as your body health also needs to be balanced with physical, chemical and emotional well-being. More about that here.
I have a particular interest in the health of your kiddies because health begins at home! And very early in their lives might I add. Plus I love working with them; their innocence and honesty, their cute little squishy cheeks, and because I can see real change so quickly with little tweaks to their routines. And together we can make a real difference in their lives for the long, long term!
My Personal Story
I don’t have any exciting Aha! moment for you. I have never been 50kgs overweight, I have never been diagnosed with nasty diseases, and most of the people I surround myself with are fairly happy and healthy. But I want more! And I want more for you too. Normal and common is boring. We want energy, vitality, knowledge and to be a step ahead of the pack. Don’t we?! Well stick around.
Having admitted my lack of Aha! for you. And my obvious lack of SERIOUS health problems. I have had my fair share. I am still to this day a recovering sugar addict. I LOVE coffee, particularly piccolos (less milk!). I would love nothing more than to tuck into a butter croissant (but I am for the most part gluten free). I have suffered for most of my life with headaches and migraines and according to genetic testing I have had done I amwas walking a fast path to obesity, diabetes and cholesterol problems. I jumped off that little red wagon as soon as I could!
![Santosha Wellbeing CHIRO](https://santoshawellbeing.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/catherine_santosha.jpg)
In 2018, after a miscarriage and nearly 5 years of trying practicing to conceive and a 60 hour labour, we finally brought Harvey into the world. Almost 4 years later, Ned was born at home as planned, in a calm and peaceful space, after just 12 hours.
These two little wild, but delightful bundle of smiles haven’t changed my beliefs about health and wellbeing, but reaffirmed to me that children can actually thrive in this toxic, consumerist, sometimes overwhelming and often confusing world that these little souls are coming into. This can be achieved by getting back to basics (all children really need is cuddles and good food), using your intuition (Mum usually knows best if she’ll just listen to her heart) and surrounding yourself with supportive, like-minded friends and family (it really does take a village).
complementary medicine
My jump into a health career
![Santosha Wellbeing RIVERLAND CENTRE](https://santoshawellbeing.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/DSC_0466-1024x683.jpg)
I always knew I was going to pursue a path in health. No child can be that fascinated with poo and the human body without ending up in some kind of related field. Nursing…medicine…midwife…then in year 12 my chiropractor said to me, “Why don’t you head to this information night, maybe you could become a chiropractor.” Best decision ever. It gave me my start and opened my eyes to alternative and complementary medicine.
While chiropractors help many people it didn’t take me long to realise that good quality health information is hard to find. There are so many conflicting ideas, views and opinions, which is why over the last 5 or 6 years I have been making the transition into more holistic health coaching.
I am here to help young, energetic mums like you, who are passionate about their and their children’s health. I help empower families like yours to do their own research, make informed decisions and make changes in their life for the better. Giving children the best and healthiest start to life possible will set these kids up in so many ways (beyond your imagination and knowledge…but not for long if you cruise around my website).
The stuff that’s given me the letters after my name
My Qualifications
In 2006 I completed my Bachelor of Applied Science (Complementary Medicine) at RMIT in Melbourne. This gave me extensive knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the human body and also a “B App Sc” after my name. I went on to blast my way through a Masters in Clinical Chiropractic giving me the ability to diagnose conditions and earn my rights as a primary care provider and Chiropractor. Together these courses are extremely similar to the medical courses, the main difference being the pharmacology side of things, which we also had to do a little of as well. So then I added a “M Clin Chiro” to my name.
As I’ve explained kids are my passion, so being a sucker for punishment went straight into a part time course to learn more about the kiddies. This was a diplomate course that provided extensive knowledge of children’s health, both normal and abnormal, a lot to do with their development, specific childhood conditions and diseases and their nutrition. After three fun-filled years I added “DICCP” to my name alphabet.
At the same time I was also attending an Applied Kinesiology course. This is an off shoot of chiropractic that basically gives more diagnostic tools and allows us to get to the bottom of your problem sooner. (“AK”) Despite attending most of the modules in 2009, I finally sat (and passed) the exam in 2017. I love the technique so much that I was secretary of the ICAK (International College of Applied Kinesiology) Executive Board for 8 years. I recently gave up that position to focus on other things.
![Santosha Wellbeing RIVERLAND KIDS](https://santoshawellbeing.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/DSC_0449-683x1024.jpg)
But those skills under my belt were STILL not enough. Beginning in 2012, I attended weekends dedicated to learning Neuro-Emotional Technique, an awesome mind body technique that allows us to discover stress-based health issues. And fix them. How cool is that?! It is also all backed up by lots and lots of scientific research. Which is being added too ALL the time. In 2014, I travelled all the way to famous LA (then down a bit to San Diego) to get certified and make it official. It was so much fun with acupuncturists, psychologists, PT’s and other chiros. And bonus (!) I came back with a few more letters (“NET Cert.”)
Through all of this ...
The knowledge of how much of an impact diet and nutrition plays on people’s health has been influenced by two people. Dr Trevor Chetcuti who you can visit over at Spinewise and Dr Shireen Hodgetts who you can visit over at Integrated Chiropractic. They have taught me SO much about diet and nutrition, so much in fact I decided to begin my health coaching journey and in 2015 enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s health coaching course. While I loved this course, it is based in the US and since my completion of the course, a new one has started up in Australia. Cyndi O’Meara is the founder of Changing Habits and their course The Nutrition Academy I would thoroughly recommend it for anyone interested about their own health (and their family’s) health and nutrition. No prior education in this field is necessary.